Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Media censorship will not stop the BNP

According to the BNP website, the Northern Echo refused to print an election address for the party's candidate in the Sedgefield by-election. The BNP claimed that four-year-old children are being taught about homosexual relationships as part of the national curriculum.

The decision of the Northern Echo is symptomatic of many sections of the media who try to 'quarantine' the BNP. The philosophy seems to go something like "if we don't give them a platform and pretend they don't exist they will go away". Unfortunately, the BNP are not going away and they merely use the actions of newspapers like the Northern Echo to their advantage.

The article describes the action as "an example of the gulf which exists between normal, decent British voters and the out-of touch leftist establishment". If the BNP can depict themselves as the persecuted victims of state-sponsored censorship then they can gain significant levels of support from voters who may have read leaflets from the 'respectable' nationalist party and consider voting for them.

I despise the views of the BNP - particularly the idea that children can be 'taught' homosexuality (which I consider to be something genetic rather than learned). However, when newspapers censor the BNP then it simply adds credence to their argument that they are a persecuted minority.

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